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Technician's graduates of Half-Way Superior Nivel

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The application letter of liberation is shown to Trabajo's Provincial Management, of the organism, with the corresponding foundation and the letter of acceptance of the organism where he is intending to transfer the graduate.

In the case of Half-Way Superior Nivel's graduates of Técnico that are assigned to the organisms of The Central state administration or your entities of national subordination, only the organism's provincial Delegate can emit the letter of liberation, for the ones that count on that structure, or the Chief Executive Officer when no. In the case of graduates that are assigned to entities of local subordination (Consejo of the provincial administration) can emit the letter of liberation the provincial or sectorial- Chief Executive Officer provincial to that they subordinate the same. In all cases they should go directed Provincial Trabajo's Director, who takes upon himself to emit the change's authorization himself, if this proceeds.

The liberation for the change of labor position alone comes into effect, from counting on in the entity the approval written of the Director of Provincial Trabajo.

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