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Species of the flora and the fauna

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Flora, Fauna and Geography

Flora and vegetation.

The fauna is represented fundamentally by birds and mammals; Inside the avifauna there are species like the Gavilán Caracolero, freshwater Gallinuela, the guinea hen, the native hen, the pig.

 Other ones endemic like rabiche, the Catey and the Carpenter Churroso, the Yaguasa Cubana, the quail between other ones.

 Also according to the epoch of the year there are migratory birds as they are, duck of The State of Florida, Yaguasín Mexicano and another one less representative.

The Jutia Conga and the Jutia Carabali, this integrate the mammals last in a narrow earthen stripe between the rivers Saint Peter and Najasa; Inside the reptiles, the most representative species is the native Crocodile and Santamaria Maja.

The whole natural vegetation is banked toward the low coastal areas where there is mangle's forest and marsh. Toward the north part of this plain develops the secondary vegetation represented by forests, shrubs and herbaceous communities, there are an important number of areas with marabou, besides areas of cultivation of rice and pasture.


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