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Alta to consumers

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The Certificate Of Discharge in the Unit of Registro of Consumidores can be processed by any consumer, be or component no of the nucleus. By means of this step a consumer in the notebook for foodstuffs is made to join the ranks.

Documents to introduce for certificates of discharge consumers

Identity card of the appearer.
Card of the Minor informed with the latest news by the direction of the mother.
Notebook for Foodstuffs.
In all the cases by birth to the boy he will be given certificate of discharge in the notebook where this once the mother was booked in.

Alta to appropriate people from abroad.

If talks to each other of a boy nascido in the foreigner of parents Cubans or of Cuban and foreigner, will show the minor's card, in order to consider oneself citizen Cuban.
If the Cuban talks to each other of a consumer of nationality and he was sent to a foreign place for some Organismo, will show Identity Card updated by the direction of the certificate of discharge.
In the event it had been sent for some Organismo, he will show Identity Card updated by the direction of the certificate of discharge.
I model 6 of Baja of the Oficoda where he caused drop before going out of the country, if he has it.
Notebook for foodstuffs of the nucleus where he will cause certificate of discharge.

Once correctional facilities were graduated from, hospitals or ascilos.

Identity card of the appearer.
The identity card of the person that goes is causing certificate of discharge, updating the public housing administration where he leaves there is producing the certificate of discharge.
Document of the Hospitable center, Asilo.
Notebook for Foodstuffs where he will cause certificate of discharge.
I model 6 of Baja of the Oficoda where he caused drop.

Doctors and male nurses of the family.

Identity card of the appearer
The identity card of the person that goes is causing certificate of discharge, updating the public housing administration where he leaves there is producing the certificate of discharge.
Document emitted by the Municipal Management of Public Health properly signed and coined.
Documentary stamp at the value of $5.00.
I model 6 of Baja of the Oficoda where he caused drop.

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