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Work Objectives of the Municipal Government Council

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Objectives of the Municipal Assembly House of the Popular Power for the year 2020.

The following objectives will promote the work of the Municipal Assembly taking into account the fundamental factors of its operation, such as the institutionality in the economic and social aspects, the effectiveness in the decisions that are adopted, the responses to the population's proposals and complaints, the work of the Permanent Commissions of Work, the Popular Councils and the quality of the policy of cadres and their reserves taking into account the fulfillment of the Guidelines of the VII Congress of the Party and the Program for the Improvement of Popular Power.


    Carry out the ordinary sessions of the Municipal Assembly that ensure the strengthening of the institutional framework and of the political, economic and social system in the municipality.

    Improve the functioning of the People's Power that guarantees the conscious participation of the people in solving problems and with contributions to decision-making.

    Achieve effectiveness in the activities carried out by the Permanent Work Commissions and the Popular Councils, so that they contribute to decision-making in solving the detected difficulties.

    Improve the follow-up of the responses and solution of the approaches and attention to the population in the system of organs of the People's Power, with the need for appropriate treatment in each case.

    Implement the work system with the cadres and their reserves with greater effectiveness in the performance of the elected and appointed.


Objective No. 1: Require efficiency in the indicators of the economy and the budget. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56, 59, 67, 68, 69, 72, 144, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 265, 268, 269) Obj ANPP 1,2, 3.5 and 6

 The Vice President of CAM responds: Yamilet Fernández Cansillo.

 With the key factors aimed at:

     Plan of the Economy.

    Import and export substitution.

    Local Initiative Projects.

    State budget.

    Effectiveness of collections and payments.

    Internal control.

    Tax Collection.

    Monetary circulation.

    Investment plan.

    Maintenance and repairs.

     Indicators that measure your results: 27

 Objective No. 2: Check the investment process, perfecting the housing management process based on the gradual development of the housing fund and its positive impact on social welfare. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 88,89,90,91, 92, 96, 97, 230,231,232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240, 244. 265,268,269, Obj ANPP 1,2,3, 5 and 6.

 The Vice President of CAM responds:

 With the following key factors:

 2.1 Control of the execution of the investment process.

 2.2 Improvement of the housing fund.

 2.3 Assurance to the subsidy program.

 2.4 Production of construction materials.

 2.5 Eradication of housing illegalities.

 2.6 Quality of drinking water service.

     Indicators that measure your results: 27

 Objective No. 3: Require quality in the distribution and marketing of food for the population and social programs. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165,166, 168,169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176,179, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 265, 268, 269, 271. Obj. ANPP 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.

 The Vice President of CAM responds:

 With the key factors mentioned below:

 3.1 Total food production by 2020, according to established per capita.

 3.2 Sugar production.

 3.3 Total food production. (Monthly)

 3.4 Planned consumption per capita for the basic basket. (Monthly)

 3.5 Planned per capita consumption for social consumption.

 3.6 Nutritional levels (kilocalories, proteins, fats)

 3.7 Productions for the national balance in viands, vegetables (tomato), fruit trees, grains, milk for the industry.

 3.8 behavior of the commercial circulation plan (total commercial circulation, gastronomy, commerce, services)

     Indicators that measure your results: 50.

Objective No. 4: To control the transportation services and the electric energy saving plan. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 199, 201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 219, 223, 225, 226, 227, 265, 269, 271) Obj ANPP 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7.

  The Vice Presidents of the CAM respond: and Yamilet Fernández Cansillo

 The key factors are:

 4.1 Saving of energy carriers.

 4.2 Communications.

 4.3 Passenger and cargo plan.

 4.4 Recovery of the railways.

     Indicators that measure your results: 16

 Objective No. 5: Verify the efficiency of social-community services. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 116-138, 265, 269, 271) Objectives ANPP No. 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7.

 The Vice Presidents of the CAM respond Arnaldo Yordi Clemente, Irio Abad Hernández

 The key factors proposed are:

     Quality of infant maternal health.

    Further training of the family doctor and nurse

    Infestation by Aedes Aegyptis at levels not dangerous to the health of the population.

    Reduce premature mortality (under 75 years).

    Continuity of studies.

    Training of the skilled workforce at the intermediate level.

    Physical, sports and recreational activities in the community.

     Indicators that measure your results: 20

Objective No. 6: To control the activities of preparation for the territorial defense, internal order and to confront illegalities. (Law No. 75 and OPCN of the PCC No: 9, 45, 46, 48, 53, 54, 55. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of the PCC: 269, 271, 274) Obj. ANPP No.5, 7.

 Responds to the Vice President of the CAM Ivett Gutiérrez de León. Improvement Objectives No.7.

 The following key factors are considered:

 6.1 Satisfaction for the demand for Armed Fight.

 6.2 Accumulation of reserves of all kinds in all entities.

 6.3 Compatibility of defense interests with the economy.

 6.4 Protection of the population in protective works.

 6.5 Tunnel plans according to the directive of the FAR Minister

 6.6 Control and assurance to the Baraguá Plan.

 6.7 Confrontation of crime and illegalities.

     Indicators that measure your results: 17

 Objective No. 7: Demand for the progressive improvement of the indicators that measure efficiency and quality in the application of the policy established for the System of Work with the State and Government Charts. (Guidelines of the VII Congress of PCC 270. Objective of ANPP No. 4. OPCNPCC: 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82).

 The Director of Paintings Yamila Martínez Gutiérrez responds. (Guidelines to 274). Improvement Objectives No.5.

 The key factors are:

 7.1 Have experienced, mature and sufficiently prepared reserves to take on leadership roles.

 7.2 Completion of the nomenclature positions of the CAM and of the entities of the administration of the local subordination.

     Indicators that measure your results: 14

On the plan of activities of the Assembly and the Board of Directors for the year 2020.

 The working system of the Assembly and the Administration Council for this year 2020, is based on the objectives, priorities and tasks, where they are ensured in the annual plan of activities; the control and analysis of compliance with the operation and the proposed goals, in accordance with the foundations established by Instruction No.1 / 2011 of the President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.

 The implementation and application of the approved policies of the Guidelines of the VII Party Congress, the Program for the Improvement of the Organs of Popular Power, as well as the agreements and indications of the Council of Ministers, the Plan of the Economy and the State budget and the municipality's territorial priorities in 2019.

 For the fulfillment of the functions and powers of the cadres, officials and specialists, the activities of the Municipal Assembly and the Administration Council, the tasks of the higher levels that ensure compliance with the internal actions of the municipality, were planned.

 780 activities have been planned by the Municipal Assembly, broken down as follows: 7 Ordinary Sessions of the Municipal Assembly, 11 sessions of the CPT and 115 activities of control and supervision at the base, increasing by 13 with respect to 2019. The Popular Councils 504 controls and inspections will be carried out in its demarcations, 9 more than in the year that ends, 12 trainings and 132 meetings will be held to ensure the work system, the latter representing only 17% of the tasks envisaged, so that priority will continue as a method the link with the base and will work on the qualitative from the 7 objectives of improvement and the indications made by the last visit of the National Assembly to the municipality.

The Board of Directors planned 23 ordinary meetings with 160 topics to be dealt with in order to fulfill the Objectives, which will be a priority in the work to be carried out by the 12 Work Commissions whose purpose is to control, follow-up and demand the operation to provide a solution. to the topics to be discussed.


In the control of the planning, those tasks and activities that are necessary to modify or incorporate will be specified monthly, based on the principle of adjusting the decisions adopted by the PCC, the National Assembly of People's Power, the Council of State and of ministers, the Province and those of the municipality itself.


The control and evaluation of work planning will be carried out through monthly and individual work plans on the established dates.



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